The mayor asks by letter to Rajoy to allocate the funds committed to fight against sexist violence


And the State Pact against Gender Violence materializes

Andrés García requires the President of the Government to fulfill the economic commitment agreed for the implementation of the different actions of the State Pact and to initiate the legislative reform to return the powers to the town halls

The mayor of Totana, Andrés García Cánovas, recently sent a letter to the president of the Government of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, in which he demands that he fulfill the commitments made to carry out an effective fight against sexist violence.

The totanero councilor addresses the president of the Government of the Nation "in order to request his commitment and direct involvement in the serious situation with respect to the lack of implementation of the State Pact Against Gender Violence," says the mayor.

In addition, he reminds Rajoy that the Plenary of the Congress of Deputies approved, in September of 2017, the final report of 214 measures and proposals for comprehensive action that make up the State Pact Against Gender Violence.

Andrés García insists that, according to the agreement reached by the political groups, "the State General Budgets must allocate, via transfers to the City Councils, an annual increase of 20 million euros over the next five years."

Also the first mayor of Totana, in his letter, said that "therefore, the global economic commitment to develop this Pact means an increase of one billion euros over the next five years, broken down as follows: 100 million euros additional to the local entities, an additional 500 million euros for the autonomous communities and an additional 400 million euros allocated to state competitions against Gender Violence within the General Budgets of the State ".

On the other hand, the agreement contemplates the modification of Law 27/2013 of December 27 so that the Local Administration can carry out actions in the promotion of equality between men and women, as well as against gender violence.

"Ultimately, what we demand from the President of the Government of Spain is the fulfillment of the economic commitment agreed for the execution of the different actions of the State Pact and that the Law Reform of Law 27/2013 (LRSAL) be initiated to return the competences to the City Councils, within the framework of what is established in measure 61 of said Covenant ", the mayor gathers in his communication.

In this sense, García Cánovas indicates that the Socialist Group in the Congress of Deputies has recently registered a Proposed Law of urgent measures on the development of the State Pact, in which we make reference in particular to the Amendment of Law 7/1985 of April 2, Regulator of the Bases of the Local Regime, adding a new paragraph with the following wording: Provision of social services, promotion of equal opportunities between women and men, prevention of gender violence and immediate attention to their victims in coordination with the specific equality bodies in the Autonomous Communities. ".

The mayor asks by letter to Rajoy to allocate the funds committed to fight against sexist violence, Foto 1

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