Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point


The municipality of Totana has once again commemorated, as usual, the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue that takes place tomorrow, May 12, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness-raising actions at the mobile information point located in the Constitution Square.

The ASTOFIBROM Association of Totana has installed a Mobile Information Point in the Puerta del Ayuntamiento in which citizens have been informed about these diseases that every day thousands of people suffer in Spain.

The members, accompanied by the mayor, Andrés García Cánovas, and several mayors of the municipal Corporation, have read the commemorative manifesto and have put on sale at the information point during this morning handmade products that allow them to self-finance.

The members of ASTOFIBROM have shown their satisfaction because in these 26 years it has been possible to single out the disease that today is considered a paradigm of chronic pain and to introduce it into the social, professional and political agendas.


On the occasion of the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, we once again raise a single voice to claim our citizens' rights, denounce the differences and deficiencies of the Health and Social System and make proposals to improve health care and coverage plans as necessary steps to improve our quality of life and that of our families.

This unique voice is channeled through the Associations of patients who, throughout the year, collect all our concerns and problems to develop this Manifesto.

Manifesto that speaks of the human drama that entails suffering from diseases that cause chronic fatigue and pain, aggravated by the fact that, because they are invisible, they generate incomprehension or indifference, creating stereotypes and prejudices that lead us to be considered second-rate patients, on the one hand, and social and labor rejection by another.

While it is fair to emphasize that our situation of helplessness in the face of the disease has been diminishing due to greater involvement and commitment on the part of institutions, professionals, society ... the road ahead is still long and narrow, although less than our determination.

Thus, we load our saddlebags for this coming year with some of our main premises:

* The pain that hurts most continues to be that of INCOMPRENSION, which still persists.

Therefore, we demand RESPECT in all areas of society, starting with the anonymous citizen, passing through health and social professionals, businessmen and trade unions, scientists and researchers, until we reach public institutions as guarantors of our rights.

* We affirm, once again, that the disease and the sick have no NATIONALITY and, therefore, there should be no differences between Autonomous Communities and it is essential:

* Guarantee the UNIVERSAL ACCESS of patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome to the Public Health and Social System.

* Guarantee the EQUITY of the System in all the Autonomous Communities, through unique protocols of diagnosis, treatment and prevention;

labor insertion measures and evaluation criteria for disability, disability and rights to social benefits.

* Guarantee QUALITY in the care of patients by social health services, with the necessary human and technical resources.

* We maintain that we want to be CORRESPONSIBLE of our health and quality of life.

Therefore, we want to participate in the planning of health and social policies, and in the Application Master Plans.

* We reaffirm ourselves in the need to CREATE SYNERGIES with all those affected by diseases that present with Chronic Pain and with the Associations that represent them, to JOIN FORCES in the face of common problems.

* We commit to all this from the collaboration with the associations and federations of those affected and through SOCIAL VOLUNTEERING.

In short, we want to unite wills and efforts to claim, once again, the NORMALIZATION of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, according to some MINIMUM GUARANTEES represented in the basic and irrevocable programmatic points assumed by the ASSOCIATIONS and FEDERATIONS in the days Elbow to elbow and which also correspond to the conclusions of the EPIFFAC Study.

On this INTERNATIONAL DAY, we also want to express our gratitude to so many people who have fought and fought alongside us on this path towards NORMALIZATION and to maintain our DIGNITY as people and as patients.

And we call on all persons, entities, scientific societies, professional associations, administrations and politicians to be our accomplices, to join our demands and accept the challenge of creating a more just and equitable society.

Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 1
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 2
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 3
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 4
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 5
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 6
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 7
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 8
Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions in the Mobile Information Point, Foto 9

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