The PSOE of Totana requires the Government Delegate in Murcia and the Development Counselor, to receive the Mayor of Totana Andrés García


As maximum representative of the residents of Totana

Given the alarming situation that has occurred in the municipality of Totana and, after the unanimous positioning of the Plenary Session of the City of Totana against the new layout project of the AVE, the Mayor has repeatedly requested a meeting with the Government Delegate in Murcia , Francisco Bernabé, not getting any response from the government delegation.

From the PSOE de Totana do not understand that, since last April 27, day after the plenary agreement where the position of the municipality was clearly established on the new layout, the Government Delegate, Mr. Bernabé, could not find a hollow in your agenda to receive the representative of all totaneros and totaneras.

We demand Mr. Bernabé to be aware of the urgency, for the serious problem that this new route of the AVE generates for hundreds of families in this municipality, some of them forced to leave their homes, and to establish as a top priority and urgency to receive to the Mayor of Totana.

The Government Delegate should be aware that this new route that is intended to be imposed unilaterally by ADIF, is for the new affected and affected, a serious damage, as many families will have to be evicted from their homes.

On the other hand, the newly appointed Minister of Development, should receive the Mayor of Totana, urgently, so you can see first-hand the institutional opinion of our council and, in that way, stand side by side with the Mayor to defend the interests of totaneros and totaneras.

The PSOE of Totana requires that both meetings be held with the utmost urgency, given the extreme seriousness of the situation that befalls our municipality.

The PSOE of Totana requires the Government Delegate in Murcia and the Development Counselor, to receive the Mayor of Totana Andrés García, Foto 1

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