Good performance of the Grasshopper Framusa in Totana


Last Sunday took place in Totana the XXI edition of the MTB City of Totana Marathon, eighth scoring test for the MTB Open Marathon Circuit of the Murcia region, which had a distance of 53 km and 1400 meters of positive height gain, and which included four members of the Framusa Grasshopper (Gabri, Manuel, Chavi and Isma) after Antonio Ginés' last-minute loss.

The race took place in the Sierra Espuña, being for this reason favorable for the totaneros runners when knowing the terrain.

Already in race Gabri and Manuel they left in head of race being finally cut in a narrowing that would break the race to few kilometers of the exit.

After crowning the path of the oak Gabri managed to contact in lanbajada with the second race group while Manuel was cut making the remainder of the test alone.

Finally Gabri completed the race in the 12th position of the general and 4 elite, while Manuel did it in the position 20 and 4 masters 30. Good race of Ismael that having been in the dry dock some weeks managed to finish in position 87 and 19 elite.

Chavi also had a great career and managed to complete the test in 73rd place in the general and 7th master 40. In the final local podium would be Juan Carlos Gandia (Tropy) of PC Venta la Rat in first place, completed by Gabri and Manuel de Framusa Grasshoppers respectively.

Good performance of the Grasshopper Framusa in Totana, Foto 1
Good performance of the Grasshopper Framusa in Totana, Foto 2
Good performance of the Grasshopper Framusa in Totana, Foto 3
Good performance of the Grasshopper Framusa in Totana, Foto 4

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