They disinfect widely used areas, such as Health Centers, Pharmacies, Large Surfaces ..


This is how the Mayor of Totana explains it on social networks


(And who resists, wins ...)

Since this morning, the Road Cleaning Services are disinfecting areas that are used by people, such as Health Centers, Pharmacies, Large Surfaces ...

The staff of the company of Garbage Collection, daily cleaning and Services, are working piece by piece to avoid risks to the population.

We must remain calm and think that in Totana we are standing up to the virus.

Security and distance measures at work or when we go out to the most essential and obedience to the rules.

I remind you that penalties are already being imposed and not small for breaking the rules.

Public sources have been closed to avoid contact with the taps and for today we have new measures to continue in this fight without quarter against the risks of the coronavirus.

The cemeteries of Totana and the Paretón Cantareros will be closed to the public.

Only professionals can work indoors, keeping the strict security measures.

At burials, only 15 people will be allowed during the burial act, suppressing public prayers and keeping security measures.

The closeness of Father's Day makes this measure necessary.

The Information Committees scheduled for tomorrow have been canceled and the March Ordinary Plenary scheduled for Thursday, March 26 will also be suspended.

Please, continue us in this dynamic and respect the rules and the agents of the authority.

Today the Council of Ministers is meeting and they will adopt economic measures to alleviate the consequences of this crisis.

We will pass information to you.

Good morning, and let's not let our guard down on protection.

Please, leave the house the essentials.

I appreciate your collaboration and understanding.

Juan José Cánovas, Mayor of Totana

They disinfect widely used areas, such as Health Centers, Pharmacies, Large Surfaces .., Foto 1
They disinfect widely used areas, such as Health Centers, Pharmacies, Large Surfaces .., Foto 2

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